Living Marketing
David Ko has been in the Asia marketing scene for over 30 years, currently working at global agency Ruder Finn managing their digital and branding arm, RFI Asia. Says David, "The thing I love most about people in my tribe is their deep understanding of how branding and communication works, how perceptions are shaped, and their well-honed BS-meter." Conversations with guests can cover any number of topics, but always originate from the distinct perspective of a marketer, or someone for whom marketing is a huge part of life.
Living Marketing
Audrey Khong: Being Fearless
After years of marketing leadership roles at major financial institutions such as Vanguard and Fidelity International, Audrey Khong might seem like she's been an FSI veteran forever, but her career actually began in FMCG in her native Malaysia. Hopping between sectors has been relatively straightforward for Audrey, who has navigated her career without letting fear derail, whether it's fear of the unknown, or fear of earning the disapproval of others. We talked about the rewards of overcoming those fears, asking questions fearlessly, as well as what it means to be thankful every day. The personal questions of my podcast are rapidly becoming my favorite part, and it's thanks to guests like Audrey who have opened their hearts and shared their life lessons with me.