Living Marketing
David Ko has been in the Asia marketing scene for over 30 years, currently working at global agency Ruder Finn managing their digital and branding arm, RFI Asia. Says David, "The thing I love most about people in my tribe is their deep understanding of how branding and communication works, how perceptions are shaped, and their well-honed BS-meter." Conversations with guests can cover any number of topics, but always originate from the distinct perspective of a marketer, or someone for whom marketing is a huge part of life.
Living Marketing
Arun Sudhaman (Part 1): Provoking Conversations for Communicators
I'm incredibly excited to have Arun as my latest guest. He is someone I've known for decades, a highly respected journalist and entrepreneur who has covered the communications industry for almost 20 years. As CEO of PRovoke Media, formerly known as The Holmes Report, Arun has personally witnessed and written about the countless triumphs and controversies of our industry, and certainly the personalities that make our tribe so interesting. In Part 1 we go back to the beginning, how Arun got his start covering the marketing industry at PR Week, what made him leave his Hong Kong home and relocate to London, how he met Paul Holmes, and what made him decide to join what was then a one-man show. Don't forget to subscribe and join me for part 2 in two weeks' time.